Audio & Voice: The Future of Digital

As the digital world evolves, the way people interact with technology is changing rapidly. Voice search and audio content are emerging as dominant trends. These changes have been driven by advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. In this blog, we will discuss the growth of voice search, its comparison with traditional typed search, the importance of audio content for brands, and how to optimise digital presence for voice search and podcasts.

Voice Search: A Growing Trend

The trend towards voice search is global, and India is no exception. According to a report by PwC, the voice AI market is estimated to be worth $3.3 billion in India by 2025. The report also states that 93% of Indian consumers are aware of voice assistants, and 72% of them use them regularly. Furthermore, research by Adobe suggests that voice search queries are growing 3.7x faster than typed search queries. It is expected that by 2023, 55% of households globally will have at least one smart speaker. With this growth rate, voice search is no longer a trend but a significant shift in how people search for information.

Voice Search vs Traditional Search

When it comes to voice search, long-tail keywords become increasingly important. People use natural language and ask questions in a conversational tone. For example, a typed search for “restaurants near me” could become “What are some good restaurants in my area?” when spoken. Voice searches tend to be longer, more specific, and often question-based. Additionally, businesses should implement schemas for their podcast episodes to help search engines understand and index the content.

Audio Content: The Power of Podcasts

Audio content in the form of podcasts is an essential part of a brand’s digital presence. According to a report by Hubspot, 55% of podcast listeners globally tune in to at least one episode per week. Additionally, the report states that 73 million people in India listen to a podcast every month. This trend is expected to grow, with eMarketer estimating that there will be 95.4 million podcast listeners in India by 2023.

Optimising for Voice Search & Podcasts

To optimise for voice search, businesses should focus on natural language keywords and phrases that align with how people speak. Schema markup can also help search engines better understand the content. When it comes to podcasts, optimising for SEO means using descriptive titles and descriptions, and relevant keywords. Additionally, creating show notes and transcriptions can help with SEO by providing more content for search engines to index.

The Future of Audio & Voice

Voice search and audio content are not just trends but significant shifts in how people interact with technology. It is estimated that by 2025, the global market for voice-based products and services will be worth $40 billion. Additionally, it is expected that there will be over 1 billion voice searches per month globally by 2023. With the rise of smart speakers and podcast listeners, audio content will continue to grow, providing businesses with new opportunities to engage their audience.

In conclusion, audio and voice are the future of digital. Brands that embrace this trend will see significant growth opportunities. Optimising for voice search and podcasts will help businesses connect with their audience and provide a personalised experience. The numbers speak for themselves, and the future looks promising for audio and voice.

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