The Top Mistakes Digital Marketers Make

In light of the outrageous improvements made by early adopters, it is no surprise that most brands have recognized the value that digital business optimization offers. Be it daily transactions, advertising or interacting with customers for feedback, adopting digital has become synonymous with adopting efficiency.

A surge in the digital avenue has led to the rise of a new breed of professionals; called digital marketers. As the name suggests, a digital marketer is a person who leverages several digital platforms to advertise a brand’s products or services. This also expands into creating a positive perception of the brand by communicating its values and undertakings.

The role, being fairly accessible, is prone to being taken for granted for its ease of use. A lot of people who take to digital marketing with no formal education are bound to make errors. Ones that can hamper their brand’s identity, stifle growth and result in long lasting repercussions for the business.

Whether you are a digital marketing professional or an entrepreneur, it is hard to keep up with the plethora of updates that are a feature of the digital world. To know what is trending, tracking the latest change in algorithms, keeping an eye on competitors and strategising for your own brand all at once can be an overwhelming task.

Since one need not reinvent the wheel each time, here’s Sarsan Digital’s list of oft repeated mistakes that digital marketers need to avoid at all costs!

Copy -> Paste -> Regret

Just because an idea or strategy worked in the past doesn’t guarantee that it will work again. Similarly if a competitor is executing a particular campaign, it makes zero sense to blindly copy it. It is vital for digital marketers to get out of the one-size fits all mindset and approach each brand through a fresh set of eyes.

Winging it Without Numbers

Gut instincts are seldom wrong but executing a strategy that is not backed by numbers is a recipe for disaster. With most digital platforms and analytics tools providing insights into impressions, interactions and conversions, it is always wise to crunch the numbers. The resulting strategy is less likely to fail and is an easier sell to your clients/ seniors.

Paid Plague

We live in a world of convenience and the digital world is the best example of it. One of the easiest and quickest ways to get your brand out there or to boost your sales is through paid advertising. With most digital platforms restricting reach, it is a tempting and at times a wise decision to opt in for paid promotions. However, an over reliance on paid advertising leaves you with higher acquisition costs and poor brand loyalty. 

Obsessed with Organic

An organically built audience is easier to retain than a paid one. It is wise to create engaging content that appeals to your target audience and brings them under your brand’s fold in the form of loyal customers and followers. Building organic audiences is an uphill battle that needs to be fought on a daily basis. In a highly competitive market, relying only on organic reach is not enough. It is imperative for digital marketers to explore paid options based on their goals, especially for highly competitive industries and to make the best of seasonal peaks/ dips.

Fuzzy Messaging

Content is King. Clarity cuts deep! Digital marketers who fail to understand the essence of a brand can never bring about true results. Every campaign and strategy executed is conjecture without a clear understanding of a brand’s values and products/ services.

Shooting Blanks

Marketing is the business of creating a need and then saving the day with your product/ service. To portray your brand as the best problem-solver is always a good idea, however, making unreasonably tall claims can land your brand in trouble. Digital marketers should always understand a brand and its products/services thoroughly. It is imperative to  cautiously utilise artistic freedom while highlighting the USPs of a product/ service.

It is quite easy to fall for any of these digital traps and every digital marketer must keep an eye out for them.

Sarsan Digital helps its clients with active analytics backed marketing strategy and has a proven track record of correcting errors in the digital image of multiple brands.

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